Back pain, neck pain, knee pain, foot pain, sciatica...
End Your Chronic Pain
In 28 days
Without Drugs, Surgery or Physical Therapy
Get your life and independence back using a simple and proven method used by 1000's.
Client Testimonials
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Take my private programs for permanent relief.
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30 min discovery call
Learn about the ZeroPainNow program
Understand your medical diagnosis
Learn the cause of your pain
Get ready for physical freedom
Full program
Take this private program if you want to permanently banish your pain.
28 day private program
Daily coaching
Done remotely over zoom calls
Over 4000 pain free using this program
Get pain free and stay pain free
About Brajesh Singh

I'm an eight year pain sufferer like you. I'm now pain-free and I've helped 1000's of people learn how to become pain free without drugs, surgery or physical therapy—to heal themselves naturally.I'm a certified Zeropainnow® coach since 2017. I can help you heal yourself so you can get your normal life back.
Want more content? Watch my YouTube channel with client testimonials and many tips for you to get better.
Listen to my interview with Eddy Lindestein The Mind and Fitness Podcast
Get healing tips on my interview with the TMS RoundTable
Get healing tips on my interview with the Editors Review
Get healing tips on my interview with theBack2Basics Podcast
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Program Discovery
Please provide your name, email and phone number. I will reach out to you within one business day to setup a time for your appointment.
You want to be permanently pain free! Excellent choice.The full program is the best path to master the tools for ending your pain. You will personally guided daily you over the next 28 days to guarantee you are pain free. 85% of clients are pain-free by day 6.Select this program ONLY if you are ready to get your life back and do the activities you dreamed of without any fear of pain.Please provide your name, email and phone number. I will reach out to you within one business day to setup a time for intake appointment.